Thursday, August 25, 2011

How to keep up with all things Melissa!

Hey everyone! Just a quick note to make sure you all know how to connect with Melissa's various social media sites. The future of this site is yet to be determined, but one thing's for sure: Melissa's not going away! You can stay connected with her via any of the following:

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Thanks for the wild ride, Melissa!

Dear Melissa,

Thank you SO much for allowing us, your fans, the privilege of accompanying you on your crazy, fun-filled journey these past few months!

The journey may have started here...

...but along the way, you captured the hearts of an entire nation.

And the best part? Even though this particular ride is over, nobody's kicking you out of the amusement park, and we can't WAIT to see what you come up with next!


Your Fans

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Vote for Melissa Villasenor! (Pacific time zone - show our home girl some love!)

For Melissa's fans living in the Pacific time zone, you're up! Melissa absolutely killed it tonight. She did her job, so now we have to do ours! Phone and text voting for the Eastern, Central and Mountain time zones has concluded.

There are three ways to vote. They are:
  1. By text by texting VOTE to 4808, ONLY if you are an AT&T customer. If you have a smart phone, it takes less than 30 seconds to vote 10 times via this method. Pacific time zone only right now.
  2. By phone at 866-602-4808 (up to 10 votes per phone number). Pacific time zone only right now.
  3. Via the Internet on (up to 10 votes per email address). Open to all time zones.

For those of you who missed it, here is a video of her performance tonight:

If you like what you see and you really want to help, make sure you cast the maximum number of votes you can via the three available voting methods. After you do that, click here for some ideas for generating a few more votes. Thank you for your support!

Vote for Melissa Villasenor! (Mountain time zone)

For Melissa's fans living in the Mountain time zone, you're up! Melissa absolutely killed it tonight. She did her job, so now we have to do ours! Eastern and Central time zone voting has concluded.

Update -- Phone and text voting for the Mountain time zone has concluded. Internet voting on continues nationwide until 6:00 AM Eastern time.

There are three ways to vote. They are:
  1. By text by texting VOTE to 4808, ONLY if you are an AT&T customer. If you have a smart phone, it takes less than 30 seconds to vote 10 times via this method. Mountain time zone only right now.
  2. By phone at 866-602-4808 (up to 10 votes per phone number). Mountain time zone only right now.
  3. Via the Internet on (up to 10 votes per email address). Open to all time zones.

For those of you who missed it, here is a video of her performance tonight:

If you like what you see and you really want to help, make sure you cast the maximum number of votes you can via the three available voting methods. After you do that, click here for some ideas for generating a few more votes. Thank you for your support!

Vote for Melissa Villasenor! (Eastern and Central time zones)

For Melissa's fans living in the Eastern and Central time zones, you're up! Melissa absolutely killed it tonight. She did her job, so now we have to do ours!

Update -- Phone and text voting for Eastern and Central time zones has concluded. Internet voting on continues nationwide until 6:00 AM Eastern time.

There are three ways to vote. They are:
  1. By text by texting VOTE to 4808, ONLY if you are an AT&T customer. If you have a smart phone, it takes less than 30 seconds to vote 10 times via this method. Eastern and Central time zones only right now.
  2. By phone at 866-602-4808 (up to 10 votes per phone number). Eastern and Central time zones only right now.
  3. Via the Internet on (up to 10 votes per email address). Open to all time zones.

For those of you who missed it, here is a video of her performance tonight:

If you like what you see and you really want to help, make sure you cast the maximum number of votes you can via the three available voting methods. After you do that, click here for some ideas for generating a few more votes. Thank you for your support!

Melissa Villasenor semi-final performance

If you don't want to be spoiled, don't watch.

Voting for eastern and central time zones starts in a few minutes.

It's game day, Villasenor Nation! Here are some tips and tricks for maximizing your AGT voting potential.

Hey everyone! Tonight's the night! As we get ready to support our favorite funny gal, here are a few tips and tricks to maximize the number of votes you can cast while still adhering to the NBC's rules.

First of all, a quick overview. If you're a wily America's Got Talent viewing veteran, you can probably skip this paragraph. However, we know that many of you were drawn in by Melissa and not necessarily by the show itself. If that's you, then here's how it works. There are three ways to vote: By phone, by text (for AT&T phones only), and by Internet. You get 10 votes per voting method. Therefore, if you have an AT&T phone, that's 20 votes right there. Each contestant is assigned a number, and at the end of the show, the voting window opens for 2 hours. Easy enough? OK, onward...

The easiest and fastest way to vote is via text. Even if you are not an AT&T customer, you can still use this to your advantage!! You may or may not have AT&T, but you almost certainly have friends who do. Furthermore, most text plans offer unlimited texts, and since there's no charge to send texts to vote for AGT contestants, this method is free for pretty much everyone. The best part? It takes less than 30 seconds to send 10 texts on most phones (especially smart phones), because on most phones, after the first text, you can usually just type vote(send)vote(send)vote(send)... (10 times), and you're done. The best thing to say to a friend is something like this: "Hey, I need your help with something. I'm supporting Melissa Villasenor, a really funny comedian who's performing on America's Got Talent, and she needs votes! It's free, and takes 30 seconds to vote for her 10 times. Will you help?" Most people are going to say yes to this (and if they don't, they must be Piers Morgan!) Once they do, let them know how to do it by saying something like the following: "OK, all you have to do is send the word vote to 48xx 10 times in a row and you're done. If you do it fast enough, you'll have all 10 votes in before you even start receiving confirmation texts." Easy enough? Every friend you talk to is 10 potential votes for Melissa. Note: xx is Melissa's contestant number, 01 thru 12, so if she were contestant 07, you would be texting vote to 4807.

The next easiest way to vote is by phone. Got a cell phone (regardless of carrier)? 10 votes. Got a land line? 10 votes. Parents/brothers/sisters/roommates/neighbors have a phone? 10 votes 10 votes 10 votes 10 votes 10 votes (and make sure they text as well if they have AT&T!) It's not quite as easy to vote this way as it is to text, but it's still pretty easy. You can knock out 10 votes per phone number in 2 minutes or less this way. The phone numbers will be posted on the show, but if you don't have access to a TV, check back here. We'll have you covered.

The most time consuming yet potentially most lucrative way for you to vote is via email. To do so, all you have to do is follow the links to the show on According to their rules, you get 10 votes per email address. Therefore, if taken at their word, those of you who have multiple email addresses (and who doesn't these days?) can get in a LOT of votes this way. Have a personal email? 10 votes. Have a school or work email? 10 votes. Have a personal email that you use to sign up for stuff so all your spam email goes there? 10 votes. Have an email that you haven't used in a year but that still exists? 10 votes. Another good thing about email is that the voting window for this method is the widest of all the voting methods, extending from 11:00 PM tonight to 6:00 AM tomorrow morning eastern time. That means that folks on the west coast can start voting as early as 8:00 PM using this method--a whole hour before the show even comes on. The bad part? It takes time. You have to cycle through 2 or 3 web pages for every single vote, and you have to enter in your email address every time. Copying/pasting helps, but it's still a slow process.

Hopefully this gives you some ideas for helping Melissa out tonight. It's going to be fun!

Go Melissa Go!!